
Release notes for migrateWP versions. Releases that are still available have a download link attached. For information about upcoming releases see our Roadmap

v1.0 Shared Hosting 

Download v1.0

31 August 2021

What’s new in MigrateWP 1.0

In the 1.0 release you can now use MigrateWP on any Plesk server you can SSH into, whether it’s yours or not! Root access is no longer required. There is now also the option to add Comments during a migration. These will be saved to the changelog entry for that site.  


  1. Ability to migrate a site to a shared server that you don’t have root access to
  2. Comments can now be added during migrations & rollbacks. These will be saved to the site’s changelog

Bug fixes

  1. Rename sshUser config file
  2. Gracefully handle missing trailing slash in path 

v0.9 Changelog

25 August 2021

What’s new in MigrateWP 0.9

In this release we added a changelog of migrations to and from each site. The contents of the changelog can be displayed using the new report command. This is especially useful in cases where you have several developers working on a single site. This release also moves the rollback functionality into a separate rollback command as user testing suggested this improved usability.


  1. Creates Changelog file on remote server with a timestamped record of migrations 
  2. New Report command to display changelog
  3. New Rollback command rolls back changes to wp-config as well as site files & database

Bug fixes

  1. Moves reminder to turn local server on earlier stage of the control flow

v0.8 Single Command

22 August 2021

What’s new in MigrateWP 0.9

In this release we focused on simplifying the UI to make it possible to push or pull a site with a single command!  Instead of being prompted to decide whether a migration is a dry-run or a full-run you can now indicate the option you want by passing an flag into your command. 


  1. Sites can be pushed and pulled with a single command
  2. Ability to pass options as flags  (-d ‘dry-run’, -f ‘full-run’) 
  3. Automatically overwrites the destination Table Prefix when migrating

Bug Fixes

  1. Autodiscover and set the MySQLD Sock
  2. Remove needs to manually set environment variables to mysql bin by Autodiscovering and setting temporary MySQL ENV Path
  3. Adds WP-CLI installation check

v0.7 Setup & Config 

12 Aug 2021

What’s new in MigrateWP 0.7

In this release we have made setup and configuration easier by breaking out most of the key user defined variables into a separate configuration file. 


  1. Adds a Config file for easier setup & greater flexibility

v0.6 External Databases

8 July 2021

What’s new in MigrateWP 0.6

In this release we modified MigrateWP to handle situations where a WordPress site hosts it’s database on a different server. MigrateWP previously assumed the database was on the same server.

This release also introduces a series of error checks.


  1. Handles situations where a WordPress site uses an external mysql endpoint.
  2. Error checking 
    1. Warns if local server isn’t running before before push / pull
    2. Adds SSH error checks
    3. Adds Config file error checks (Checks remote path exists and that ssh user has permissions)

v0.5 Search & Replace

14 May 2021

  1. Automatically Search & Replace URLs after push or pull 
  2. Adds support for subdomains    

v0.4 Dry Run 

8 Mar 2021

  1. Option to perform a dry run on files before a push or pull
  2. Option to perform a dry run on the database before a push or pull

v0.3 Backup & Rollback

10 Feb 2021

  1. Backs up files & database before a push or pull
  2. Rollback changes with a single command

v0.2 Migrate Database

6 Jan 2021

  1. Push WordPress Database from development environment to server
  2. Pull WordPress Database from server to local development environment

v0.1 Migrate Files

7 Dec 2020

  1. Push WordPress files from development environment to server
  2. Pull WordPress files from server to local development environment